Model Homes Underway
April 7 – Model homes are under way! 4 model homes have begun construction and are in the framing stage. Models that are currently under construction are the Bluebird, Stork, Doubletree, and Millennium. Duplex/Townhome models and Estate Series models to follow. The first Model homes will likely be completed this summer and on-site sales office should be open shortly after.
In the meantime, there have been limited pre-sales opportunities. The initial batch of released lots were sold quickly, and I am awaiting additional information on when the next batch of lots will be released.
The townhome/duplexes did just release a few additional homes, but they are selling quick!
Much of the common area trees and shrubs are in. Construction on the pool area has also begun, and paving of the roads are underway with a few sections already completed.